Assessment of the extent of income contribution of Bodaboda transport business to youth in Dodoma Municipality

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St John's University of Tanzania


This study was carried out in Dodoma municipality. The study aimed on assessing the extent of income contribution of bodaboda transport business to youth in Dodoma Municipality. However specifically the study intended to: - identify the youth engaged in bodaboda transport business, determining the extent to which bodaboda transport business has benefited youth in terms of income, determining the extent to which youth’s income has improved during engagement with bodaboda transport business and their situation before engaging in the business and examining the challenges faced youth who were engaging on it upon generating their income. The study had a sample size of (N=90) youth who were engaging in riding bodaboda transport out of 944 youth in Dodoma Municipality. Survey research design was used whereby both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used. Treatment effect model was used to determine the challenges faced youth’s income generation in this business and the instruments for data collection consisted of checklist for interview and questionnaire. On top of that the study found out that, variables included in the model were good predictor for reporting challenges facing youth engaged in bodaboda business transport upon generating income (R2=70.5 %). In regarding to that, engaging in bodaboda transport business has benefited youth in terms of income. The income of youth noted to increase twice after joining bodaboda transport business. Also, it has been noted that, 93.3 % of the youth use income accrued from bodaboda business to buy food, helping their relatives and paying various civil obligations in the community. Bodaboda income helps them to pay house rent, to buy eating utensils, furniture and supporting them on medical services. Therefore, bodaboda transport business has a significant role towards promotion of youth income. Hence, the government needs to establish frequent training to youth to help them to know all road safety rules which will eventually ensure more safety, reduce accidents and bodaboda death related events to bodaboda riders, their clients and pedestrians.



