Statistics for SJUT-IR

Total visits

Factors contributing to employee turnover in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania: A case of Dodoma Municipal Council 45
Factors for successful provision of mobile financial services in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania 30
Employees’ labor rights awareness and its impact on job performance: A case of TTCL in Dodoma Office 21
Effectiveness of internal controls over revenue and expenditure: the case of TANESCO in Dodoma Municipal 21
Impacts of food insecurity on women’s participation in income generating activities in rural areas in Tanzania 19
Parents’ and teachers’ participation in pre-primary school curriculum development in Tanzania: Opportunities and Challenges 18
Parental involvement towards improving students retention in community secondary school: A case of Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania 18
Community participation in sustainable forest management: A case of Kiboriani mountain forest in Mpwapwa and Kongwa Districts 15
Analysis of factors behind credit risk in Tanzanians SACCOS: A Case of Hazina SACCOS in Dar es salaam, Tanzania 14