Statistics for SJUT-IR
Total visits
views | |
Factors contributing to employee turnover in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania: A case of Dodoma Municipal Council | 47 |
Factors for successful provision of mobile financial services in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania | 33 |
Effectiveness of internal controls over revenue and expenditure: the case of TANESCO in Dodoma Municipal | 23 |
Employees’ labor rights awareness and its impact on job performance: A case of TTCL in Dodoma Office | 21 |
Impacts of food insecurity on women’s participation in income generating activities in rural areas in Tanzania | 19 |
Parents’ and teachers’ participation in pre-primary school curriculum development in Tanzania: Opportunities and Challenges | 18 |
Parental involvement towards improving students retention in community secondary school: A case of Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania | 18 |
Analysis of factors behind credit risk in Tanzanians SACCOS: A Case of Hazina SACCOS in Dar es salaam, Tanzania | 17 |
Community participation in sustainable forest management: A case of Kiboriani mountain forest in Mpwapwa and Kongwa Districts | 16 |